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2025-2026 Programming Information

2025-2026 Programming Information

Our high school teachers have been actively engaged in conversations with students, offering valuable insights and recommendations for course placements through the Power School platform. It is with great enthusiasm that we share important details to facilitate a smooth transition into the programming process:

1. Teacher Recommendations in Power School: High school teachers have collaborated with students to discuss course options and have provided their recommendations through Power School for the 2024/2025 school year.
2. Counselor Engagement in English Classes: Beginning January 10th, our high school counselors will be visiting all 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade English classes to engage students in thoughtful discussions about the programming process.
3. Power School Course Selection Portal: The Power School Course Selection Portal will open on January 10th for current 9th and 10th grade students. During counselor-led push-in meetings, 9th and 10th graders will make core course selections (English, Math, Social Studies, Science). Subsequently, elective course selections will be completed at home with parental involvement using the Power School portal. We have prepared video tutorials to guide you through this process, accessible on our school website
4. Four Year Course Planner Form for 11th Grade: Current 11th-grade students will receive the Four Year Course Planner form in English classes starting the week of January 10th. The form, available, will help guide students in their course selections.
5. Individual Meetings with Guidance Counselors: Commencing on January 30th, students will participate in individual meetings with guidance counselors to finalize their course selections. We encourage you to review the comprehensive 2024/2025 Course of Studies Catalog, available on our school website to assist your child in making informed choices.
6. Vocational Programs: For those interested in vocational programs, a detailed listing is available in the Course of Studies Catalog and the Nassau BOCES Program Catalog on our school website and in your child's Google Classroom. An application form is also accessible in the Guidance Google Classroom, with the deadline for submission being February 12, 2024.

Should you have any inquiries regarding the programming process, please do not hesitate to contact your child's counselor at (516) 733-2220.

Programming Letter to HS Parents.pdf