Hicksville High School
2025-2026 Course of Studies Catalog
Mission Statement
The primary commitment of Hicksville High School is to teaching and learning. These fundamental objectives
require the creation of a positive school climate in which all students are provided with the knowledge, skills,
and work habits necessary for them to achieve future success and to become productive citizens.
All segments of the school community, working together, will maintain expectations of excellence and
implement programs and conditions that enhance the development of each individual’s potential.
This Course of Studies Catalog has been prepared to assist the students at Hicksville High School in selecting
their programs of study for the following school year. Each department has listed its proposed course offerings
and a brief description of each course. Also included are grade-level requirements, prerequisites, and credits
granted for successful completion. Students should understand the requirements for graduation, as well as
specific department requirements, when planning their programs.
Course Registration Process
Student programs reflect individual decisions, and include a number of factors: performance in present classes,
aptitude, goals, interests, and future plans. Students must choose their course of studies very
carefully and in consultation with their parents, subject teachers, and counselors. Students should select
programs that are commensurate with their abilities. Students will have an opportunity to discuss course
selections with their teachers at the end of January. Students will then meet with counselors beginning the first
week of February with their signed registration forms. Students may not register for a study hall. Therefore,
students should have alternate courses in mind when attending programming conferences.